Visualizing Asian Cities
The photos on display in the exhibition were selected form nearly 100 submissions in our contest "Visualizing Asian Cities". This photo contest challenged students to investigate Asian cities and come up with images that reveal new and interesting aspects of cities that differ from traditional images in the media and conventional tourist images. The idea was also to stimulate interest in photography as a research method. We got some 100 contributions from students from different disciplines and with different takes on Asian cities. The countries covered included: Japan, Korea, China, including Hong Kong and Taiwan, Singapore, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, the Phillipines, Indonesia, and India.
The selection committee consisted of celebrated photographer Fu Yongjun, Hangzhou, professor of anthropology at Lund University Christer Lindberg, Nina Brand, the Centre’s communication and education officer, and Marina Svensson, director of the Centre.
Students could submit photos in three different categories:
The first category, Traditions and heritage, encouraged focused on history, traditions and heritage in cities undergoing dramatic changes. How does history reveal itself in the cities, what and whose heritage is celebrated, how is tradition consumed and commodified?
The second category was called Hidden places, which can refer to forgotten spaces, places not easy to found by tourists and the casual visitor, and places left behind in the urbanisation process.
The final category asked students to investigate cities as places for Dreams and creativity. Are cities conducive for dreams and whose dreams, are dreams fulfilled?
15 photos, 5 in each category, that provide interesting and creative takes on the different themes were selected. The criteria were: relevance to the contest/category; creativity and originality; and composition and overall impression
The selected photographs were on display at the Centre 8 April - 29 May 2019